Microglia are the primary immune cell of the CNS and play an important
ARQ 197 価格 role in the final outcome of a hypoxic ischaemic injury, however it is equally import ant to characterise the contribution and response of neuronal cells in this environment. Resident CNS cells secrete inflammatory cytokines IL 6, IL 17 and TNF within the developing penumbra area. The M17 neuroblastoma cells used in the current study have been reported to initiate a neuro inflammatory re sponse upon stimulation with the inflammatory and neurotoxic peptide amyloid B 1 42. This pro inflammatory response involved the secretion of type 1 IFN, IL 1B and IL 6. The M17 cell inflammatory re sponse and AB1 42 cytotoxicity profile resembled that of primary murine cortical and hippocampal neurons used in the same study.
Mechanisms of TNF induced neurotox icity have been repeatedly investigated using the closely related SH SY5Y human neuroblastoma cell line. TNF treatment of these cultures induces apoptosis, as reported
supplier AZD0530 in primary neuronal cultures, with phosphoryl ation of NF κB p65 and Stat proteins being implicated in the toxicity mechanism. Knockdown of TLR8, up stream of these pro inflammatory molecules, in SH SY5Y cultures confers protection against OGD. In the current study, M17 neuroblastoma cultures subjected to OGD demonstrated elevated expression of interleukin and TNF during the reperfusion phase. These findings con firm that OGD invokes a pro inflammatory stimulus within the culture environment. More importantly, the timing of the cytokine response implies that it is occurring as a result of the core damage during the OGD period.
We hypothesise that neuro inflammation exacerbates the secondary injury and progressive cell death, playing a piv otal role in the reperfusion setting. During periods of ischaemia, tissue undergoes
Alvocidib 溶解度 necrosis and releases cellular debris, detected by TLRs on microglia, astrocytes and neurons themselves. Ligand docking to TLR4 leads to direct activation of AP1 and NFκB transcription factors, leading to cytokine secretion, cellular infiltration and subsequent apoptosis. The type 1 IFNs have been considered the master regulator of the innate immune systems cytokine re sponse signature and hence control the initiation of the inflammatory response. Taking this into consider ation, the timing of a type 1 IFN response is crucial in the inflammatory response to hypoxic ischaemic insult.
In this study we demonstrate early upregulation of IFN during the reperfusion period and this correlates with increased Stat 1 phosphorylation at the same 2 h time point. This promotes IFN as a novel CNS cytokine contributing to the neuro inflammatory environment stimulated by OGD. Furthermore the timing of the IFN response occurs at the beginning of the inflammatory event, highlighting the potential to modulate the developing inflammation. The current study demonstrated an IFN preferential phos phorylation of Stat 1 in M17 cells. We propose that OGD stimulates IFN release, selectively phosphorylating Stat 1 and contributes to a deleterious neuro inflammatory cycle. Utilising the M17 neuroblastoma cultures, of human ori gin, gives insight into cellular inflammatory mechanisms behind the human brain response to hypoxia ischaemia.